I feel your pain K.. I think you have gotten a lot of good advice here & I have found that, for us, I appreciated all of the advice but needed to act on the pieces of the experiences/solutions from others that resonated with us in our specific family situation. So here is our recent experience & solution so far (which some of your request reminded me of):
> We went through a similar period recently (my daughter is 8 months old now &
> primarily breastfed still). During months 2 - 3.5, she only woke up 1 or 2
> times a night & I fed her. No problem. Months 3.5 - 6, she was waking up 3
> - 4 times a night. We were all exhausted all over again like during month
> 1!
> For us (every baby is different of course), what has worked was eventually
> realizing that as she got bigger & older, she needed to eat more! (Duh. I
> was so sleep deprived, no wonder I had no idea :-( .....And if/when she
> wasn't eating enough during the day, she wanted/needed to eat more at night.
> So I started all of the following steps to "night-wean" her and end the
> night-time wakings (....AND....lo and behold.....she has been sleeping from
> 8 pm - 7 am for a couple months now.....fingers crossed :-) The only thing that throws her off this schedule is going away from home (5 days on vacation in Mexico and 5 days at grandmaas recently) ... during both of these trips she woke up once a night and then after we got back it tok her about 5 or 6 nights of waking up once a night to get back to sleeping through from 8 pm - 7 am.
So here are some of what we started realizing and did about it:
> 1. being more conscious of how much she is eating during the day (she
> started getting distracted by everything during month 5 - now and without me
> realizing it, I think she really was eating less since she spent more time
> popping off the breast to look at other things than she spent ON the breast
> eating)
> 2. making sure to feed her more frequently during the late afternoon/evening
> hours (she generally eats when she wakes up from her afternoon nap (at 4 or
> 4:30 pm) and then again at 6 pm and then again at 7:00/7:15 she gets her
> final feed (a bottle).
> 3. giving her a bottle of formula as her last feeding before bed (so hard to
> know how much she was getting with 100% breastfeeding...with one bottle a
> day of formula, I at least KNOW that feeding for sure how much she is
> getting)
> 4. she was still just getting a 5 oz bottle to go to bed (when she was
> getting up 3 - 4 times a night, and even as recently as month 5). I
> finallly realized she was finishing it very quickly and I wasn't offering
> her more! NOW (for the past 3 weeks), she takes a 9 oz bottle to go to bed
> (!!!!) And I know it isn't too much because I make a 10 oz bottle and she
> never finishes that last 1 oz. She knows that she is full with 9 oz.
> 5. during the transition process, while we were figuring this all out &
> figuring how many oz to give her for that last feeding, and she was still
> waking during the night, we started sending my husband in to feed her with a
> bottle of either breastmilk or formula in the middle of the night instead of
> me breastfeeding her. We wanted to feed her, but also start making it as
> 'uninteresting' as possible and figured that dad with bottle was less
> interesting/desirable than mom with breast :-)
> It took a week or so of getting all of this together but she started waking
> just 3 times (instead of 4 times), then just 2 times, then just once....then
> one night she slept 8 pm - 7 am and has been doing that for 2.5 weeks now.
> Daylight savings threw her off a bit for a few nights (she was waking around
> 5 am and talked to herself for about 30 min before falling back to sleep
> until 7) but she's back to 8 pm - 7 am again now most nights....and some
> nights she still wakes up once around 5, I nurse and she goes back to sleep
> until 7:30 or so...
> .....Hope some of these ideas could help for you guys.