Seeking Onesies for 24 Months and Older

Updated on December 12, 2006
L.B. asks from Saint Paul, MN
5 answers

I just love onesies the only problem that I am having right now is my daughter is 15 months old and some of her 18 month onesies are getting snug. I have a few 24 moths and I know soon she will be out of them altogether. Target and those places only sell onesies up to 18 months old. Does anyone know anyplaces that sell onesies 24 months and older. I haven't tried Once upon a Child yet or Goodwill but I know those places are hit and miss. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I agree with getting the will save you money in the long run. YOu could also try Babies R US, I have seen them as big as 36 months there. Also try Children's Place. Again, these are going to be way more expensive than getting the snap on extenders.



answers from Minneapolis on

In a speciality catalog you can find a "extender" similar to a bra extender where you snap the extender on the crotch area and it makes the onesies longer to last longer. My friend used these with her two year olds. I can't remember the catalog but it's one of those baby/kids catalogs with products you don't normally see in the store. You could probaly find something using a internet search.



answers from Philadelphia on

I had the exact same problem. I found mine online at



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi L. - Its called Garment Extenders #12730 Add-A-Size - go to or 1-800-274-8440 10 pack is $10.95. I use these on my girl to make the onsies last longer - its an extra peice of fabric with snaps at both ends to snap onto the onsie as an extension.

Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

I love onsies too. I can always find them at babies-r-us. They have long and short sleeved onsies and I've seen them up to 36 months.

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