My name is S., I cant say that I am going threw the same stuff you are but i am kindve in the same boat, And yeah youre right people and friends cant really relate to these problems even though they are trying to but you just dont get it unless you are actually going threw it with youre child.. My son alijah was 2 months early and he was hospitalized for a month before i got to bring him home he had some problems after birth , He was born without his right ear and of course had normal premie problems after bringing him home for two weeks he was agian hospitalized for reflux of the blatter and sleep apnea he also had alot of other little issues . He was hospitalized almost every month for the first year he was born and it was very hardf on me , i thought his troubles and everything was gone after he turned 1 but it was two months after is 1st birthday that he was diagnosed with leukemia and i thought my world had ended , not to mention i was pregnant with my third child, I couldnt imagine my child going threw anymore stuff or pain i thought he had allready been threw so much that i didnt want him to hurt anymore i just wanted him home and with me those two months at home without him beeing in the hospital before he was diagnosed was a god send and i just wanted that back , i blamed my self for a long time thinking it was my fault somehow that i must have done something wrong , but i look at my 5 yr old and he is the strongest person i know ,he has been threw so much and he still keeps going on,, I know peole tell me that i am a strong person for keeping it together and of course i dont think that way but if you think about it , mothers who have to go threw this with there kids are very strong , because we know we have to be there for them , and we just dont give or selfs enough credit for it , because most moms that arent going threw this will tell you how to you do it. how are you not losing your mind. and i guess its the same answer all the time you have to be strong for your kids so they will know they can get threw it and it will be ok and that they are no different then anyone else. Even though this arent the same problems and every child is different i know where you are coming from and even though i dont give myself enough credit because you just dont see your self like that , I will let you know that it takes a very strong women to go threw somrthing like this with your kids and you are very strong person and you need to give your self a pat on the back.. I hope i helped in some way or at least made you feel a little better about the great person you are ,,,, if there is anything i can do please let me know..