We just went through this with our two year old. She's always slept with me and my husband and never really slept through the night; she'd wake to nurse a couple of times a night but never fully wake, since I was there sticking a boob in her mouth as soon as she started to stir.
We're pregnant with our third and I definitely don't want two babies in my bed. First I had to get her used to falling asleep on her own. So I'd nurse her until she was nearly asleep and then put her in our bed. For the first few nights she'd whimper a bit and have a hard time falling asleep. My husband and I took turns standing at the door to the room until she fell asleep. After a week or so she was able to put herself to sleep without our presence.
At this time I also stopped allowing her to nurse at night. When she would fuss I would just tell her something like "Goodnight Meara, love you" and turn away from her. She adjusted to that just fine.
After a few weeks of this and getting her excited about a big girl bed, we bought a little bed from IKEA that's just the right size for her now & will grow wih her. She helped pick it out & put it together. The first night she woke up crying after only a couple of hours; we brought her into our bed for the rest of the night. Each night thereafter she stayed in her own bed a bit longer.
It's been about 2 months that she's been in her own bed and she sleeps there most of the night but comes into our bed for a couple of hours in the morning. I have to admit that I've been lazy about keeping her in her bed; it's easier to bring her in with me than trying to keep her in hers. We do need to start, though, since I don't want to be dealing with this in October when our new baby comes.
Good luck & I hope you're both able to get some good sleep. We found that it did take some time; it was a process. We don't believe in allowing our children to "cry it out" so we committed to taking our time with helping Meara adjust to sleeping without us. I think she'd probably still be in our bed if we weren't expecting another.
Good luck!