I understand that could be frustrating. I would suggest that you identify your skills' strengths and weaknesses. Once you have identified them, please share it with us. Many people on this website are business owners who might need your skills and expertises; or we may be able to guide us to become an entreprenur, if that is an interest.
Otherwise, don't spend too much energy being depressed. I am a firm believer that when you put negative energy into the universe, you reap what you sow. Of course, when going through challenges in life, it is only natural to feel negative about it. However, YOU have the option to bounce back and say, I am not going to allow it to get the best of me and "shake it off".
Learn to get creative and think positive. I am from Illinois, just moved my business to Atlanta a year ago. I discovered that Georgia presents a lot more of opportunities then Illiniois, but you as an individual has to find a way to make it happened.
Georgia has a LOT of networking organizations, that involves a slue of people willing to work with you by giving you a chance. Wishing you and your family the best. LJB