Hi, I have an 18 month old daughter, so I hear you on all the worries, especially about development. My daughter was slow on her gross motor skills (late to crawl and walk), but is a bit advanced in the verbal area. Remember that every child develops are her own pace, and that all the "average" ages for acquiring new skills are extremely variable when it comes to an individual child. Even knowing that, it's hard not to worry :)
My daughter is in a small family daycare, so is mostly healthy, but I'm actually home with her today because she has a fever due to a cold. I'm not sure if the weird poop stage ever ends. Is your daughter on solids yet? That's a whole new world of weird poop. I remember the first time my daughter ate a lot of blueberries, WOW. Anyway, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Good luck!