I have had ovarian cysts for the past 10 years off and on. They are the type that are filled with fluid, not blood or a mass. They would get to be the size of oranges or grape fruit then rupture. The pain was awful. What happens when they rupture is the fluid is released into your body and puts pressure on all of the other organs. Until your body absorbes the fluid you are in agonizing pain. Worse then the after pain of delivering a baby. HOWEVER, the pill works wonders!! As long as I am on the pill, the cysts remain very small and do not rupture. I have never had one removed and they have shrinked and disappeared when I began taking the pill. When they rupture she is not going to bleed out, but it will be very very painful. Being on the pill should make them go away or atl least shrink. If this trip has been planned I would go, as long as I was on the pill. I wouldn't let it stop me. Yes it is a risk but, so is most everything else we do. Have her take some motrin with her incase the rupture for the ride to the ER. But whether she is in the ER or in the car, the pain isn't going to go away for a while. When I was in the ER for the ruptures they put me on a Morphine drip, yes, it hurts that bad. But again, whether she is in the car or the ER, if they rupture it's going to hurt the same.
Hope this helps!