I think you are AWESOME for homeschooling. I am hoping to do it with my son (he's my first and only six months old), and I'm already getting flack, so i feel your pain a little bit. Because I'm not doing it yet, I don't have much advice, but I'm thankful to see there are resources around. I just wanted to tell you I think you are doing a fantastic job by doing this. Kids need to be taught in a healthy environment, especially pre-teen. I was homeschooled until 5th grade (as were my 6 other siblings), and one of my best memories is when we went to the zoo and my mom taught us about the different animals while we were there looking at them. I'll never forget that giraffes have purple tongues. haha. with that, the SL library gives out community cards on the first of the month (have to have a library card), and you can get into discovery gateway, the natural history museum, the UMFA and red butte garden. I wasn't sure if you knew about this, but it gets in 4 people total for free, and you can get 1 card every six months (i believe you have to go to each activity within the month you get it). So, you could get one at the beginning of the year, and one at the end of your school year and have free field trips! yay! good luck!