Yes, definitely get The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp. There is a book & a DVD if that's easier. His approach is based on soothing the baby by recreating the mothers womb. He uses the 5 S's:
Swaddling - do it tightly & make sure arms are both secured in there, baby may object at first
Side/Stomach position - while holding baby, have her on her side or stomach instead of upright, it will be comforting for baby to be tightly against you in this position.
Shushing sounds - Loud ones! No quiet shhhhh, very loud, close to baby's ear if you're making the noise yourself. Inside the womb the noise is totally surrounding baby & is louder than a vacuum cleaner, all this quiet out here can be unsettling for baby. You can make the noise yourself or try a vacuum or hair dryer.
Swinging - Baby swings are awesome once the baby is calm or after they have gone to sleep. I would "swing" my babies in my arms, twisting my body back & forth at the waist while holding them on their sides, their stomach to mine to help calm, sooth & get them to sleep. Always worked better than bouncing/walking them
Sucking - Breast, bottle, pacifier, finger. Triggers a calming reflex, realeasing natural chemicals in the brain
Do these things in order from Swaddling to Sucking to flip all the switches in a baby's brain.
Changed my life when I got this book - Baby and I were so much happier & healthier.
Good luck, tell your daughter to hang in there, before she knows it that sweet little baby will be all grown....