Go Mormons!! (real name is Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I am a member. We have moved so many times. People ask me how I do it. Why I instantly have a whole group of friends. Real friends. It is simply because of the continuity of my church family.
No matter where you go we are studying the same lessons in Sunday School. The children's theme for the year will be the same. The youth program is set up and run the same. The women's organization, called Rellief Society,(one of the oldest, largest organization for women in the world) will be learning and discussing the exact same topic throughout the world.
We believe in Christ, we worship him. There may be some fundamental differences in beliefs for you but the fellowship regardless of whether you join or not will most likely be phenomenol. If you go just ask the closest lady to point you to the Relief Society president. Let her know what you're interested in and she'll hook you up. It should be that simple.
Go to lds.org to look up a meeting house location and time. That will show you when it starts. Ninety nine percent of the women will be in dresses. There are 3 meetings and that first one will be a sacrament meeting lasting 70 minutes. (yeah, sometimes kids go a little nuts!) There will be announcements, opening song, opening prayer, ward business, blessing and partaking of the sacrament (simply remain seated while the young men (deacons) pass) and then one or two youth speakers.
Two adults will speak, maybe there will be a musical number between them. Then a closing song, closing prayer and you're done. Keep in mind that the first Sunday of each month is our Fast and Testimony meeting. Members fast 2 meals and give an offering the store house for those in the ward in financial difficulty. There are no prepared talks on that day. The pulpit is open to all members wanting to share tesimony of Christ and his gosopel.
Whew! Didn't know I had so much today. Wherever your journey takes you I wish you nothing but joy and happiness. I realize worship is a very personal thing. Just know you will always be welcome in the LDS community.