When my daughter was younger we pulled her OUT of Creme de la Creme in Allen and enrolled her in Childrens Garden Montessori off Hedgecoxe and McDermott. We felt we were paying an exhorbitant amount of money for little to no structure and a very high teacher turnover (6 different teachrooms over 7 months) at Creme de la Creme. After she started at Montessori, we saw such an improvement in her educational skills, behavior and overall social skills. I firmly believe her 2 years at Montessori prepared her for a solid start in kindergarten and gave her a good foundation to begin her elementary years. The owner has years of education administration experience and is a very sweet lady. The staff is wonderful...my daughter had Ms. Ercole (spelling?) but most of the teachers are a bit older, have montessori certification and have been with the school for a good amount of time. We would recommend this school to anyone...good luck!!! :)