I would suggest that you don't try to decide if your son has ADHD. Instead, try do decide if you think he needs a professional to evaluate him for an issue, any issue, and try not to prejudge what that could be. You may end up with a "no" answer to the only question you ask, and if you don't ask the right question, you might miss something important.
He sounds like a child who does not like bed time (kids get over active when they are tired, it is one way to stimulate themselves and keep going) One school of thought on ADHD is that kids are understimulated and hyper activity is how they attempt to stimulated brain activity. If you had a child who was hyper active, you would see this as a global issue, in many areas of his life and at different times of day.
He may well have a low tolerance of frustration and poor impulse control, and you are his safe person who will love him anyway if he lets it all loose on you. Most 3 year olds have poor ablitiies in this area. He sounds like he has little difficulty showing his anger toward you. I would be watching this myself, and doing all that I could with typical dicipline to guide him to more appropriate experssion of anger. If your good attempts are unsecessful, you may want to look into this with further evaluation.
If he has a tantrum at age 3, that is not unexpected. It would be atypical if the intensity, and the way he reacts when good solid discplinary technicques that are %100 consistently applied for a sustained period of time are unsucessful, despite clear advantages to him to improve. A child who does not respond to typical and consistent dicipline and has tantrums that are over very little, very long, quite frequent, often to the point of vomiting, self injury, or property damage; in a child who is inconsolable and cannot stop even though he understands he should, may have problematic tantrums that need evaluation. Having a tantrum because he was told "no" is a typical reaction for a 3 year old.
Many children do not like loud noises, but children who run crying because of them may have sensory processing issues or auditory defensivness that is not typical. If there are more examples of this issue and you think it is a problem for him, or if it interferes with his life, I would have an Occupational therapist evaluate him.