Honey is one year. And as for peanut butter, my ped told me I could give it at a year, because there was no family history of a nut allergy, and my son had not shown sensitivity to any other foods to that point.
My son doesn't eat as well as your child! He started this behavior around the same time, and is now 20 months, but will not eat any meat other than chicken, and it almost always has to be in nugget form! And he won't eat eggs at all.
I try to give him what I can, and figure it will all work out. My son is also still nursing. He started refusing apple sauce and yogurt, but sometimes he'll take it. A few things you can try...I crush a graham cracker into his yogurt, and that makes it more appealing, Or, I spread it between two graham crackers, as thickly as I can, and then freeze it for a yogurt sandwich. You can also try smoothies--milk and fruit blended, and/or yogurt. Throw in some flax seed and wheat germ. Good luck--he'll be okay. Just keep trying.