Hi C.,
I too had the pleasure of a severely colicy child. My son started at 1 month old until 6 months old. Non stop screaming, NO SLEEPING/NAPPING,and not a very happy mommy. The pediatrician we had (before we moved out of state) was fantastic! He was very kind & helpful during those 5 very very very long months. First we tried a few formula changes (i bottle fed) and Nutramagen was a LIFE SAVER! Huge improvement from then on out.
As a toddler, you know, people say 'terrible twos' but they're SO WRONG ... it's 'terrible threes'. LOL Although, my oldest went through a 'terrible 18 months' when his 2yr molars came in incredibly early. Otherwise, his toddler years were fantastic. We had so much fun together each & every day (with very rare napping) & he's a joy today.
He most definitely had problems napping - after awhile, the fight just wasn't worth it anymore. if he stayed up, then he stayed up. it was alot more work, but i wasn't ripping my hair out, getting frustrated or crying anymore. And he slept longer at bed time. which was far more important to me.
The only techniques that I can remember were late night car rides to help my oldest son fall to sleep. I'd put him in his car seat & go for a ride around my neighborhood until I was sure he was asleep. (I'd test & stop for a minute or so & if he started to wake up & start screaming then I kept driving). There were some nights I drove around from 2-3am, just around & around & around my block (thank goodness my neighbors knew our 'special' situation - LOL). But once i got him to sleep & was able to turn off the car & he was STILL sleeping, I'd take him in the house in his car seat & leave him in that to sleep. Doesn't sound so great - but if he fell asleep in it, he can stay sleeping in it. He's upright so no issues with SIDS & He had blankets on him & he did great. I also think the confinement of the buckles (being buckled in) almost like he's being held close by mommy, comforted him. I also had to play music on the car ride - that worked WONDERS. I think just the movement of the vehicle & the music together worked.
During the day, let's see ... he hated & I mean HATED his baby swing - but he LOVED LOVED LOVED his vibrating bouncy seat/chair thing. They have the ones w/the pads near the feet so when they kick the pads, music & lights start ... he didn't like that at all so I kept that part off, but he loved the vibrations. & although he didn't really fall asleep to it, it kept him from screaming all day.
Also, any educational cartoons (i'm not one for sticking your kid in front of a tv at all but this helped alot - i usually just sat with him most of the time to be with him & talk to him about the show) were extremely helpful. The few shows that worked for us were "Bear in the Big Blue House" I don't know if it was Bear's soothing voice or the brilliant colors or the great songs, but it worked! He also enjoyed "Stanley" (both on the disney channel) along with "Sesame Street".
I hope atleast some of this info was helpful for you. It's a hard road to travel but when it's all over, I think you'll find yourself even closer to your child than ever. Tyler (who was my colic child) is such a delightful little boy & so bright & loving & caring & we have so much fun together & we're already so close (we've spent every single day of his life together - once i had him i became a stay at home mom). He's now in Kindergarten & doing amazing. And I truly miss him all day & we're both so happy when i pick him up from school & we get to go have fun together at home & he tells me stories from school & we do homework & projects together. It's just so great.
When I had my 2nd son, boy was he different. He took frequent long naps, slept through the night like it was his job & he was a perfect infant ... then came the horns when he was almost 2 yrs old - not so much horns but more curious, then at 3 yrs old the horns came out in full view - i'm hoping by the time he turns 4 in august, he'll mellow out a bit - i truly think he's on his way there - but NOTHING I can't handle after having a colicy baby for 5 months ... LOL -but my youngest - he too is a joy & very close to his mommy =0) almost as much as his older brother if not equal & boy oh boy - these toddler years for him & I are another challenge .. which is another story for another day. =0)
Just remember it's only a phase & it WILL pass (if it hasn't already). But you are right - there's very little info about colic & it's tough. No doubt about it. They wanted my son in a clinic & I refused it (but that was just me).
Enjoy your little girl, I'm sure she's a little angel. Cherish every moment with her - being a mom is the most wonderful, rewarding, satisfying job in the world - and yes, even through the times when you're like "yea ok this lady is nuts!" - when it's all done with (the tough parts)& you watch her play & laugh & enjoy life's simple things, you'll forget all about the tough stuff - i promise.
Have a great day & God bless!
C. B.