I'm a 34 year old with 6 children. I finished college with my AA when had just had my 3rd child. I took online courses full time so I totally understand the stress of homework assignmnets. I HAD to be on a tight schedule with my self, it took a lot of self discipline and I was very tired a lot. BUT it was worth it! My oldest had started Kindergarten and I had a 3 yearold and new born. I couldn't imagine going to school right now with as many kids as I have. My goal is to get my BA but I put all that on hold. I at least wanted to finish one degree, for one so I could homeschool and personal enrichment and be an example to my children. Even if you don't put your daughter in preschool, you can teach her to play beside you so that you can study while she plays. What I would do was put some of my plastic bowls and wooden spoons with some of their pretend foods on floor beside where I'd be (at least in same room) so I could keep an eye on them. It helped so I didn't have to constantly get up and check on them. If you'd write down your schedule, even for study time you'll see it helps sooooo much. Imagine yourself scheduling for someone else and always schedule a little extra time so not to rush yourself, then organize yourself. If you plan ahead, it makes a tremendous amount of difference. Plan your rest time as well, perhaps when reading to your child do naptime right after reading to her and set your alarm so you can rest with her, even if its only 20-30 minutes. You will see it makes a difference. IF/WHEN your child goes to preschool, even school for that matter, their on a schedule in school so don't think your doing her injustice. Another thing, you may want to look into what your child will be doing in preschool... I found when I looked into it, a lot I was already doing with my child. If you end up taking your child to school and picking her up, it may cost you more time with her in preschool. Depending on your child, she may actually pick up bad manners from other children, if your child is easily influenced. All in all, enjoy her while you have her so young, as you have more they seem to grow up so fast. And if you decide to put off school, as you have more children as you stated that's what you want... Remember or think everything increases as far as your workload at home, that's more cleaning, cooking, and laundry. And with them so young most of that is all on you. Also, I have a 3 year old and he takes 1 nap a day but I have to make him take one, we do it right after reading time. He will resist and want to play but I stay firm with him, that it is nap time and he can play later. He'll take 1-1.5 nap and get up chipper as ever. And he sleeps average of 11 hours a night. And I take 30 minute nap when I can, even though I'm not in school, I have enough things at home to keep my busy for days never ending. Get use to no me time for awhile if you plan on having more kids. Having kids is a me sacrifice. I love all my kids dearly, but me time right now is none existence. Right now I enjoy everything and know they'll be time when my me sacrifice will no longer be needed, I see it with older ones. They become independent on their own. With your being in 30's... I don't know what your goal is for school, but with your age you may have to put school on hold. I see more and more older people going to back to college. So even after your done having your children, you can always go back in the future. I just thought of your age, so that's an after thought. Also get your husbands input. IF you stay in school and continue with your family, is your husband who you said would do anything for you and your child, is he willing to help you with household chores, after he comes home from work? Or take time to spend with your daughter/kids while you study? Things to think on and bring up with your husband. If its a team effort and he's willing to do anything and help you, that will also make a tremendous difference. Communication with your husband is very important. Good luck.