I have homeschooled for the past 13 years. My oldest 2 children have graduated from our homeschool high school and are now honor students in college. One of my daughters was dual enrolled (earning college credit while still in high school) and graduated with 34 credits.
One thing that I can say about curriculums is that those written for homeschoolers are excellent. There are so many out there to choose from and you get to decide what works for your teaching style and your child's learning style. That is what makes it successful. You would be amazed at how much you learn yourself as you are educating your children. The reason I had the confidence to homeschool all the way through high school is because my children already knew so much more before high school than what I had when I walked out of my high school with a diploma. You don't just cram facts and statistics into your child, you educate them and teach them how to learn. You clearly know how to learn because you have already done some research on studies and have the desire to learn more about various options. You also have a strong desire for the best for your children (another strong attribute). You don't pour what you currently know into your children. You teach them how to discover and learn. The homeschool curriculums are the tools you use in the process (along with a lot of teachable moments that come along in life in the world around them). By the time my older children were in high school, they were more self-taught. My oldest taught herself HTML and I know nothing about that. She's majoring in Arts and Technology and that certainly isn't because that's what I knew. It is because she discovered a passion for that field and learned a lot on her own. I provided material or outside resources when needed.
Also, be sure to check the laws in your state. Here is a brief summary of PA laws: http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/Pennsylvania.pdf
If you get a chance, go to a convention and look through the various curriculums out there and ask questions. That's how I got started years ago. There's one in May in Harrisburg, PA (http://convention.chaponline.com/). It can get overwhelming at times because there is so much to choose from, but you will get a great idea of what a variety there is to choose from. Many conventions also have speakers and workshops you can attend.
Best of luck in your decision process.