There is what is "easier" for you and what might be better for your baby.
Remember, you go through labor for a reason. Your body is preparing your baby to enter the world. Number one, labor usually indicates that the baby is ready, whereas a "scheduled" c-section is a guess that the baby is ready. What if your baby would have spent another 2 weeks developing in utero? That is a lot of time to give your baby.
Also, your body floods with hormones preparing that baby for the world and what a gift to give your baby.
Have a good dialogue with your doctor and talk about laboring for a while. If you are prepared, you can always get to the hospital for a non-emergency c-section.
An unscheduled c-section isn't by default an emergency c-section. Have you considered a vbac? Would your doctor perform one. The risks with a vbac by a good doctor aren't any higher than with a c-section...
I had a natural birth and then a scheduled c-section (after a planned homebirth) as my baby was breech with a very short cord and all involved were worried he'd descend too quickly and get "stuck" in the birth canal. That being said, my one regret is not having been able to labor. And I felt very surreal choosing a date to have my baby taken surgically. Would have been much happier if labor had started on it's own.
I can't compare emergency vs. scheduled, but other than a bit of hectic activity (if it's truly an emergency and not just because you are in labor), I can't imagine there's much of a difference.
I have to say that we as Americans seem to have issues with pain. What's wrong with feeling some pain? The physiological benefit to your baby and the emotional benefit to you for having labored is so much better than some residual pain during sex or during a BM, isn't it?