Hi K.... I had/have adhd.. I was put on some type of medacation when I was younger but no matter the dose it affected me badly , I know it has worked for many also. i am not against it if it is needed . I do have to say that I made it through school off the meds . they made me extreamly sick and dizzy . So not being able to take them I had to do it on my own, with help and understanding from my family and teachers. I graduated and am a fully capeable adult.( most of the time.lol). My spelling is not great but whose is ? The thing that helped me the most was My parents were able to afford a special school where the entire school was for Learning disabled and challanged .It was the first time I was able to get "good" grades and it improved my self-esteem. I also have to say my mom has stated that while I was on the meds I was not "myself" .LOL as you can tell by this letter my mind does race back and forth but hey that what makes me , me . good luck with what ever you decide.
Thanks for careing enough for you neice's to really look in to it .