Richmond is a great place to raises a family. If you are looking for a suburban neighborhood, the West End is the place to be. I grew up in a more urban city neighborhood in Pittsburge and we live in the Fan. Mary Davenport is a great real estate agent with children a little older than yours and a good feel for things that matter to families. Susan Fisher is also amazing as a real estate broker and seems to know everybody! She and her husband relocated to Richmond and may have some first hand tips for you. Both ladies work for different agencies and I'm not sure which ones.
Our pediatrician is Partners In Pediatrics in the west end in the Ridgefield Medical Center. They are a small group with very personal service. Pediatric Associates is a bigger group with a satellite office that many people like also
Our children go to our parish school (St. Bridget's) and we are very happy there. The faculty is first rate and the administration is concerned with making sure the needs of the whole child are met. Not all the children who attend are Catholic, but most are.
Stay connected as you narrow your search. We'll keep you posted on the trendy restaurants (my husband and I like CanCan ~ french bistro style, KubaKuba ~ neighborhood Cuban fare, Piccola's ~ family friendly pizza) Ruth at Images is a great hairdresser and Mango's is a wonderful splurge for any of their hair and skin services. Have yet to find a really good dry cleaners and I have willed my list of babysitter's to my sister!
Good luck with your move. Stay focused on the big picture of keeping your family values in the forefront and all the little details will take care of themselves. Moving is hugely exhausting endeavor and if you remember that it will take a year to truly feel at home in your new home, then you can be present to your family and patient with the packing and unpacking.