I don't know how severe your condition is or what area of your body is affected (oh sorry, your wrists)... but "Arnica Gel" is great for aches and bruises.
Golfers and athletes and elderly even use it, for their aches.
You can find it at GNC or any other natural food store type place. Or maybe even Whole Foods.
I always keep it on hand, and use it on the kids or ourselves when we have owies or aches.
The Arnica type product is in a gel form, which you rub on. I don't know if it comes in other forms as well. But you can check on that.
Or, just go to a natural food store and ask the store person for advice.
And also as you probably know, resting the affected area is always the best. Overuse of an area, like say the wrist, through repetitive movements, can worsen it. For example, when my kids were babies, I got bad wrist pain from the repetitive lifting and carrying them. It was like carpel tunnel syndrome. I basically used a wrist brace, and TRIED to lessen the strain I put on my wrists. Although it's nearly impossible when you have kids.
Also, you could try acupuncture as well.
All the best,