I get really sick and tired of people who expect others (ie their kids) to save them from the poor choices they made in their lives! Ok, rant over. Do you have a good relationship with your siblings? If so then see this as a way to help them, not your parents. Sit down with them and see what, if anything, you can do to help them. And by can do I really mean are Willing to do - do not put your own family at risk to help them, but if there are things you can assist with that would help with the burden then try. Maybe you can watch your siblings kids so they can go to your parents house. Make dr appointments for your parents. Do the grocery shopping for them. Pay for a companion to visit one night a month so your siblings can have time off. Contact hospice to arrange some relief. Contact their church to see if someone can visit. In other words, see if there's a way you can help your brother and sister without having to see your parents. Good luck, and don't feel like a bad daughter, ultimately their choices and actions landed them where they are.