As a mom who loves to have ultrasounds done during pregnancy, I would advise you to research the subject of ultrasound carefully. I just had one done to confirm whether we are having twins or not (we are)! But I happened upon an article the other day in a pregnancy mag that told of the dangers of ultrasound. It scared me badly enough that, twins or not, I'm not having any more done! In one particular study, they out a microphone inside a woman's uterus and did an ultrasound. When they played the sounds back, they said it was loud enough to sound like a subway train coming into a station. But the most alarming thing was that the ultrasound waves can, and do produce heat hot enough to cause fetal brain damage, and there is a correlation between frequent ultrasound and autism. You will make whatever choice you feel is appropriate, based on your current situation, but I just thought I'd give you a little heads-up on the issue. Chances are that you'll have a healthy baby, so try to relax. I know that it is a little scary sometimes, though. I am a little bummed that we won't be getting anymore photos of the babies for keepsakes. And we won't be able to tell the genders of the babies, but it's just not worth it. Well, I hope all goes well for you guys.