I think there has to be a balance. If you're on such a strict budget that you don't get to go and do anything fun as a family (this includes simple things like going out to eat once in a while or go to a movie...as some are on such strict budgets that there isn't even money for this), then that is too strict for me...if done for 5-10 years. I get not going on a luxurious vacation. We haven't done that in years because we simply don't have the money for it.
I've mentioned it before, but my daughter has a fatal disease. She is in severe bone marrow failure, and even after a bone marrow transplant, she'll develop cancer (very aggressive) and will die from that. It's simply the fact of what she has. We've been into Dave Ramsey and mostly follow his suggestions, but there are things that we have changed around for OUR situation because it's more important to us than making the BEST decisions with our money.
For an example, we want a new house. We moved into this one with one child. We had no idea if we were going to have more children or how many more we would have. Five years later, we have almost four more kids (baby #5 is due in about 6-7 weeks). We have three bedrooms. One for us and new baby, one for our current baby (13 months), and one for the other three. We have outgrown our house in our opinion especially in a few years when they are all older. We have 1 boy and 4 girls.
We know that ideally we should save six months worth of money to have in case of emergency, and that is still a goal. And we should save to put a big down payment down. And we should pay off all student loans (we'll have no other debt but that when we move). BUT we don't have time! Our daughter could develop leukemia at any time (AML, very severe type with incredibly low survival rate for kids like her). We need to do something soon.
Is it important to us to be as financially responsible as possible...or is it important to us to make sure we get into a house soon enough so that we have memories of our precious girl in our house with us? Hands down, we want memories of our daughter in our house. Healthwise anything could happen with her in the next year...we don't have time to do all the ideal money things. And, that's a choice we are making. We still budget and stick within in. We still try to be wise with our money while considering our emotional needs. But sometimes we choose to be wise in different ways...sometimes emotional needs are more important than financial. We are buying a house within our budget. So, we aren't being reckless that way. My husband's job is quite stable. Hopefully it'll stay that way! Everyone has their own situation and has to look at what is important for them. I think it's incredibly important to be financially stable and to be out of debt, but I don't think it's the MOST important thing. But if you can, I do think it's ideal to get out of debt. I think you can maybe do a slightly less strict budget so that you can still pay things off quickly, but that you can also have some money to enjoy life some while you're doing it. Dave Ramsey calls it blow money. Don't forget to do that while you are paying things off! :-) It'll make you more successful.