I think your idea is wonderful.
I cannot imagine going through menopause with toddlers to care for and think you Mums in this situation are going to need each other , there seem to be so many of you these days.
In my day we had our children early as after thirty was considered risky ( it was back then ) and most of us stopped bearing children before 35..I was 33 when my youngest was born. I have seven.
I did not medicate for menopause..I started mid forties..will be 65 in June and had my last period last year ( at least I hope it was the last one..seem to have one psuedo period per year) LOL My Mum had a hysterectomy in her early 70's because she was having odds and ends of periods still.
In my late forties I reached the peak of menopause as far as the hormonal effects in intensity but was pretty much over it in early fifties.
I had three teenage boys in the home at the time. Perhaps toddlers will be easier to deal with.
I think it must take different amount of time for each individual.
You have defined work to do and a supportive husband.
Think you will get through this just fine dear. Sorta go with the flow..dont fight it..take it all with a grain of salt.
Eat healthy, exercise if you can..very important to find a bit of time for yourself during this time. Have someone to talk with, older relative, friend, friend at church.
Hearing their experiences should help put yours into perspective.
In my opinion medication is NOT helpful and altho I tried it for a short time I soon put it away. This is how God made our bodies to function and He would help me through it. I cannot see that the meds were any help at all after a week or so and seemed to have more negative effects than positive.
For me the very worst part was the hot flashes, sweats and night sweats.
I bet you could find an herbal supplement in Health Food Store that would be a great deal of help with your symptoms. Try more than one, if one doesnt work for you , try another. Herbs are fantastic.
Tincture of time and this , too, shall pass.
Best wishes and God bless
Grandmother Lowell