Hi L.,
Although you don't say it, I'm guessing this D&C was due to a failed pregnancy If tha's the case, give yourself time-- I'm a therapist, and the first thing tell an client who's coming in because of grief is: 'The stages you can expect to go trough are Denial, Anger, Brgaining (whi ch is not 'If I do X maybe Y ill happen' but more looking back to see what you could have done differently in the past), Deression, Accepance. You won't ht them all in that order, necessarily but can expect that most will crop up. Be paient with yourself-- the loss of a pregnancy is a big, private, loss. You may also want to confide i a close frend-- about 10% of pregnancies fail, and I was surprised how many women I knew ho'd had one (I had three, and two pefectly healthy babies),
To lift your spirits, try getting exercise, getting out in the sun, eating healthy.
Best of luck!