I have some Spanek vertical roasters and I cook chicken, duck, goose and turkey with them.
I remove neck and gibblets, wash bird inside and out and stand it up on the roaster, set it in a pan.
Any good chicken rub with work with a duck.
A duck (and goose) is very greasy, so using a fork, prick the skin over the breasts several times - this lets the grease drain into the pan.
I fill the pan till there's a quarter inch water in it (I add 1/4 cup sherry to it), then pop it into the over.
The cooking times are here:
It comes out very moist and the skin is crisp all over.
I love a good duck for supper every now and then but you don't get a whole lot of meat from it.
A goose will give you more meat, and tastes great, but it's so darned expensive we only have one once every few years.