My good friend's son was diagnosed at age 13. It started with throat clearing, which was easily misdiagnosed. When the barking started, it was more obvious.
They did a lot of things, from behavioral therapy to a variety of medications. They saw a pediatric neuropharmacologist to cover all their bases. They did find that things went a bit haywire when he went through puberty, so I think it's advisable for you to find a good team - yes, TEAM - of professionals now while he is young and (presumably) pre-pubescent. You have to expect major changes in the next 4 years that will require adjustments.
A lot of the drug choices are dependent on what else he is displaying - appetite changes, depression, lethargy, obsessive-compulsive behaviors and more. Please get a good team at a children's hospital or top-tier mental health facility so that everyone's talking to everyone else.
I work extensively in food science and I am a big believer in patented supplements for a variety of issues and general health. I follow epigenetic research too, because there are food-base (plant-based) peptides that help a variety of epigenetic abnormalities. I would still contact a good pediatric neuropharmacologist in a case when someone's tics are really out of control.
There's no miracle drug, that's true - but what's your option? To leave him out of control because otherwise he'll be lethargic? He needs a life, and he needs to learn to cope. Get a good behavioral therapist who will work with the pharma side.