I think the key is to place baby in different positions so that she is given the opportunity to use different muscles & strengthen them. i work from home & I do the books for two businesses. it is really a full time job, so when I added to that, my kids, I had to get creative to get work done, but still care for babies & interact with them. I had a timer I set for 30 minutes. This was my reminder. I would have baby in bouncy seat, then Bumbo, then floor, then sling, then on floor tummy, then in swing, then propped up on tummy time play mat, then in my lap, then bouncy, swing, etc..... once she got older then I included excersaucer and jumparoo. The different positions kept her entertained & i had different toys & things for her to look at. Did it with both my kids & I feel this is the reason they were both early walkers. Neither of them crawled for long. Daughter took her first steps a day after she turned 8 months & by 9 months was running & at 10 months learned to climb onto my dining room table!! Not cool. She would put toys in front of the window & would climb on top of them to see out the window. This worked out great cause she was 15 months when I brought her brother home & it was great that she had been mobile for awhile & i used a back pack leash with her going into & out of stores. Otherwise it would have been impossible for me to do my errand running alone with them both. My son, took his first steps at 9 months. I know some people will say, nope that is just genetics, but my daughter is adopted and that is why I am positive that just by giving babies the opportunity to use different muscles often each day, that they develop a more well rounded thus helping to get them mobile quicker. Also I think it helps with keeping their ears clear as well since different positions help drain the fluid out of ears, if the have the tendancy to hold fluids in their ears. I also found that by interacting with them throughtout the day & changing their immediate environment, they did not become clingy to me. Not to say they didn't need me or that we didn't have cuddle moments, they just were ok entertaining themselves for 15-30 minutes, which was really nice! So lots to be gained here. My friends had the flat head problem and their son had to wear a device to take pressure off the back of the head when he was 13 months and it caused him to regress in walking. His head did readjust and he is 3 now, so don't fret at this point. Great your Dr. is catching it early. Oh & if you don't have all those things like , bouncy, bumbo, swing, no biggie, at this point you can use pillows and prop her up in different positions, or on the floor, put her on her side with pillow behind then do opposite side, then prop up her chest during tummy timewith towels. that sort of thing. carry her like a football, then up on your shoulder, I also would put her back to my chest and with one hand under her bottom & one hand on her chest hold her this way & sway and while doing this, I would meditate or de-stress myself & they usually fell asleep. Once they got fairly good neck muscles I would use a front carrier & vacuum like this & both mine would be sleeping or real close to it when I was done. who doesn't like a two for one special? LOL this is a special time and it does go very fast. Enjoy her and don't worry about permanent problems at this point since your Dr. caught it so early.