Most daycares/preschools do not provide transportation because of the liability/insurance and few number of families that would utilize the service.
So... go look at the "instituational" daycares. Some of them are not nearly as "institutional" as you may think! My son attended an in-home daycare that we LOVED for 3 years. At that time, we felt that he was really ready for a preschool program. However... we knew we wanted another child and that due to my commuting and my husband's work hours they had to be in the same place.
We visited 10 different places in our area. Honestly? There were several that were cold and sterile, but there were several that really weren't. The one we selected felt like an in-home daycare, but had the structure and program of a preschool setting. It's even housed in an old colonial mansion with a living room-like office/reception room.
What you want is up to you, but we wanted a place with a developmental approach (not solely academic) where children moved fluidly between levels based on their skills, not just their birth date. We also wanted a place with low staff turn-over and frequent, on-going professional development. We wanted a place that brought in different activities and performers for ALL of the children (not just the preschoolers). Most importantly, we wanted a place where my son felt comfortable.
It took a lot of looking and questioning, but we found it. If you have a list of "must haves" ahead of time, it helps. That way you can take notes on each place and compare them "apples to apples".
I remember one place that was very "highly rated" (read: sky-high tuition). We went for a tour and interview and after 15 minutes my 3 year old asked to leave. I asked him why and he said that he didn't like the place. He wasn't allowed to touch anything and the director suggested that he sit and look at the fish tank for 30 mintues rather than play with the other children. Um... no thanks. We left after our tour.
If you are comfortable and your children are comfortable, it won't matter whether they are in a home or in an "institutional" daycare.