I'd go with a Midwife - most insurances cover them, and even without insurance, they are much more affordable option. Also, if you TRULY want a VBAC, a Midwife is your best chance at getting a true trial by labor option. I am having a Home Birth VBAC attended by a Midwife in July. I am sooo excited about it!
I'm a new Nurse, had my first child in 2005. If I had known even HALF of the things I know now, as a Nurse and Midwife/CNM major - I would have NEVER gone to an OB. My clinicals in a major OB Hospital were very disturbing. VBACers would come in and the staff would call down to the OR to prep a room for their cesarean, without even allowing them time to get into the swing of labor. They also still used illegally black boxed drugs specifically stated NOT to use on pregnant women. It's called Cytotec if anyone is interested in looking it up.
My traumatic normal turned 'emergency cesarean' birth put me in the path of finding out how birth should really be and opened my eyes to the glaringly obvious statistics of American birthing practices (which causes more maternal and baby deaths than majority of the world) vs the rest of the world - both developed and developing nations!
I could go on and on - but I'd say definitely start calling around the Midwives in your area!!