Pregnant Again!! - El Centro,CA

Updated on June 27, 2010
P.M. asks from El Centro, CA
52 answers

In September of 09 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I was on a birth control regime and on a regular visit to refill my prescription I came to know that I was expecting again. Being that my son is only 9 months, my family isn't being very helpful about the situation. My husband tells me that everything happens for a reason but all this stress is making me worry that I'm going to have a miscarraige. What should I do?

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answers from Minneapolis on

I had a baby in 2005 (march) and 2006 (december) and again in 2008 (Nov.).

I love having my 3 kids less than 4 years apart. They get along great. Yes it is busy, and yes I get tired, but it is also tons of fun.

You'll have built in playmates for the next 10 years :)


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answers from Milwaukee on

Take a breath. It's hard and it's great all at the same time having them close together. I had 3 back to back. 13 months apart and 14 months apart and an older son to boot. Having my girls close together was a little chaotic (a lot), but they love each other so much and are true friends. I'm jealous that I didn't have a sister much less on right there with me for the ride. Congrats!

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answers from Boston on

Congratulations! My two are 20 months apart and I love it. Family can be stressful but you will be just fine.

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answers from San Diego on

Hi P., every baby is a gift from God. Your kids will be so close in age that they will be best friends, look out for each other, pal around together. this can be a very positive thing, and it's not about the family, it's about your family, your husband and children. Calm down and look at all the positive things. And congradulations. J.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Please don't stress about this! My boys are 18 mos apart (6 & 7 right now). I love it! It is really hard work the first couple of years, but it really does get easier. I expected to have more time in between our kids, but it happened a lot more quickly than we planned and I am so very thankful now. They play together and are very close... we can hear them whispering together at night and it is the cutest thing! You will have a tough time in the beginning, my 1st didn't walk until I was almost 8 mos pregnant with my 2nd so trying to get around with him and a huge belly was tough. It is great to have a loving and supportive husband. I look around at many of the familes in our area and it seems like a lot of people have children that are less than 2 years apart now. I really don't think it is unusal these days. Relax (you won't be able to after the 2nd is born!! hahaha) you will love having 2 darling babies close in age. Also get ready for the question "are they twins?" I can't even count how many times we have been asked (even though our oldest is about an inch taller than his brother)! Put a smile on and enjoy this time with your baby boy right now. Stressing about it won't change your family, so if you and your husband are enjoying this time they will come around. Good luck and God Bless!

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answers from Reno on

Aren't judgmental families fun? Should they dare to criticize you or offer other "helpful" comments, smile brightly and offer them sympathy because nothing unexpected and wonderful ever happens to them.

Have you ever seen Steve Martin's movie "Parenthood?" The comparison is made between life as a merry-go-round and life as a roller coaster. Merry go rounds are boring; roller coasters are exciting. It sounds to me like your husband is up for the roller coaster ride and your family is not. Too bad for them. (Personally, I'm on the roller coaster, too--can't stand the things--but I'm learning to enjoy the ride.)

Try not stress, hang in there and good luck. Everything does happen for a reason...usually a good one.

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answers from Cleveland on

First off calm down!!! Try not to stress about it & forget everyone that isn't being helpful. Your hubby is right - everything does happen for a reson!!!

I had my first in 1994 - was told in 2001 that I couldn't have anymore kids without treatment/help by 2 doctors. In 2003 we were suprised to find out I was expection our 2nd, when she was 6 mo. old the end of 2004 I found out I was expecting again. I also freeked out... I gave my first almost 10 yrs by herself & I was expecting w/ a baby in my arms. My hubby laughted at me... not to be mean, but I tried & dreamed for so long to have another baby & I was being blessed with a 3rd and completely a mess. We did have #3 when #2 was just 15 mo old... and now they are 5 & 6 yrs old. They love eachother dearly... the 5 yr old was VERY dependant on his sister for a long time. She had to be with him for everything... as long as they are together they feel safer (not saying they don't fight). They end up sleeping in the same room most of the time (eventhough we put them to be apart) & when they are apart they look for eachother & want to know when the other one will be home. My son is not scared to start kindergarden cause he knows his sister will be in the same building... so she will be there to help him.

I have had a another little boy since - he is now 3 & I'm expecting #5 here soon. Please try to stay calm, I know it can be hard - with this one I really wanted it, but was scared to tell anyone about it once I found out I was expecting. I knew before Thanksgiving, but waited till after New Years to tell anyone except my hubby & sister. I didn't want to "ruinen" anyones holidays, I did get a few comments about being pregnant w/ #5 - but you know what... my kids are made out of the love my hubby & I share, we pass that love on in to our kids & show them love everyday. We don't have a huge house on a mountain side like we dream of, but we do have a house in the city that we can make the payment on. We pay our bills & do everything we can to care for our kids. So, I feel - it our house, our lives, our love & our choose... forget what others want or think cause they aren't the ones paying my bills or living my life. Their way wouldn't make me happy, just as my way won't make them happy... so why should I live their way or their life?? I'm going to live mine! Please live yours & love your little ones & the man you are married to.

Good luck & congratz on both blessings!!

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answers from Dallas on

don't stress. my older brother was born march 1984. my twin sister and i...we were born december 1984. only 9 months apart (we were early at 28 wks) but my brother and i are the best of friends...much closer than my other siblings (and i'm one of 11). ..

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answers from Los Angeles on

My wife and I had 8 kids. The first three were 14 and 16 months apart. The Question that used to bother me was, "Don't you know what causes that?" Then I found the perfect answer, "It's not that don't know what causes that , its just that I (!!) never forgot." It stops all the conversation in that area.

Having your kids close together like that is tremendously beneficial for you and the kids. My oldest three were born the closest together. They did lots of things together, cub scouts, boy scouts, sports, homework, etc, more so than my other kids. The only thing I would have changed about my family is that I would have had all my kids as close together as the first three and I would have had my two gilrs born in a row rather than with a boy inbetween.

BTW, three was easier to raise than one. 5 was much easier than 3 and 8 was a breeze compared with 5. My wife and my first arguement was over how many kids to have. I only wanted 2. She wanted a dozen. I finally said, "OK, I'll do my part!" ;-) But she watched too much TV and figured "8 Is Enough". Now that I have 8, I can only imagine how miserable my life would be if I'd only had two. (My oldest two live 1500+ miles away. My other 6 live with in 60 miles and come over for Sunday dinner almost every week. I love it ! ! )

Good luck to you and yours.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Only listen to your husband. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I was on the pill when I got pregnant with my second and if it didn't happen then I don't think it would have happened at all. Look at it as a blessing and your family will come around. Don't stress and listen to your husband. Congratulations!!!!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Be happy that your kids are going to be just shy of two years apart in age, My two get along so well together being 21 months apart in age...well most of the time ;0)

This age difference is very common and your pregnancy should be just fine.

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answers from Chicago on

Relax and take care of yourfself and your baby. My husband and his older brother are almost exactly 11 months apart and get along great (with some exceptions of course). What matters is how YOU feel about it. Since your husband seems pretty cool with it, take care of yourself and enjoy your growing family.

This is probably the same family that would ask when you will have another when your son is 2.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Yay! So many supportive replies already.
I have come to find over the years, that we have been spoon fed a lie about family. They are always nicer, more supportive, more polite to people to whom they are NOT related! I have 6 siblings and my husband has 5. We have plenty of judgmental jerks to choose from... just when you need 'em the most.
I have taken to (what I like to call) my chosen family. Those are my closest friends who act more like those supportive family members that we always saw on TV! It would be nice if your blood relatives could be there for you, but if they can't, your husband IS your family and he is right! As are all of these wonderfully supportive other moms who speak from experience and tell you that in the long run (after a LOT of hard work) these kids will most likely end up being best friends.
Ha ha! The family that YOU wish you had right now is in your womb! :)

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answers from Columbus on

Don't listen to your family! Be happy and it will be contagious :) Congratulations!

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answers from Roanoke on

My friend has a 1 yr old and an almost 3 year old. She is doing really well. The kids are really starting to play great together and though it was a little crazy for her at first, she seems so happy and so do the kids. She says the worst it gets is when they both want held and are hanging on her crying. I also have cousins who are 15 months apart. They were often mistaken for twins. They are so cute and get along really well. Try to relax and remember that everything does happen for a reason. I hope this will be a happy time for you and your family. Try not to worry about what you family thinks. They will hopefully come around. :)

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answers from Phoenix on

Take your prenatal vitamins and eat as healthy as you can. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!

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answers from Reno on

My oldest 2 children are 13 months apart. That's right, when you do the math, that means that I got pregnant when my oldest was between 3 and 4 MONTHS old. Our relatives were horrified. People kept making terrible, lame jokes like, "Haven't you figured out what causes that yet?" (and they honestly seemed to think that was funny or helpful). Total strangers, as well as people we knew, gave us the, "You're killing the planet" lecture. One total stranger walked up to me in the grocery store, looked at my baby and my pregnant tummy and said, "Well, at least you're done now." (Um, nope; we planned, and eventually had, 2 more.) I swear, I thought I was going to start slapping people.

Don't worry. It will be much easier than having twins, where the kids are going through every stage at the exact same time. It will be easier than having one in elementary school and a newborn, guaranteeing yourselves that it will be exhausting juggling very different needs and interests, like going on roller coasters or kiddie rides at Disneyland.

Until you're showing, only discuss it with people who will be happy for you. You'll be amazed at what that does for your stress levels!

The kids will be very close to each other, acting as both closest confidant and worst enemy. They'll learn all kinds of lessons about sharing, love and life in general from each other more readily than they would if spaced farther apart.

Your husband is right - everything is for a reason, a reason that we might never fully understand but is very necessary. This is true whether you believe in God, fate, karma or something else. We learned that children will be born when they're actually supposed to be, not necessarily when we want them to be.

Congratulations on your wonderful, growing family!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I understand your stress...if your baby is healthy you won't miscarry. It's only if your baby isn't healthy that your body will allow a miscarriage.
I had my first baby in 2005, my second in 2006 and my third in 2007. So I understand that you are stressed about having them so closely together. I was stressed too, I even cried for almost 9 months during my 3rd pregnancy ( I think it was more so over being preggo again, not concern over having another).
Anyway, they are now 2 1/2, 4 and 5 and they play so so so very well together! They entertain each other and look out for each other! I love it so much and I'm so happy that things worked out the way they did!
At the time I was preggo with #3I was questioning God as to WHY, why was I going thru this again so soon? Well, I ended up being diagnosed with MS right after my 3rd was born and I'm so grateful that my husband and I had #3 when we did. Otherwise, I might not have ever had a #3. And let me tell you, we call her Grace and she was my saving grace thru a very difficult diagnosis and dark time in my life!

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answers from Los Angeles on

You need to relax. Things happen for a reason and things always work out. Who cares what the family thinks, it's not like you were expecting it. God works in mysterious ways and doesn't give us more than we can handle. You will be fine, your children will be fine and you will have two close siblings. It always could be harder, my girlfriend had 3 under 3. She was pregnant with her third at her 6 week check up after giving birth to her 2nd. Now that is close in age. Life works out just the way you didn't plan it! Enjoy it! Children are a blessing!



answers from Houston on

Mine are almost 18 months apart and it is the best. They are so close and play well together.



answers from Miami on

Focus on yourself and what you think is best for you and your family. It took me a good three months to tell my family we were pregnant with baby #3 and i got negative feedback. But I'm happy and I can't wait to meet my little one. And those who don't care or who are not helpful don't belong in your life during this joyous happy time. They'll eventually realize how they reacted was unkind and rude, then they'll come along. But don't lose sleep on it it's not worth it. Good luck and congratulations.



answers from Los Angeles on

try not to let them influence you. I became pregnant with my second when my daughter was just 8 months. They are now 7 & 8 and it's really a great situation. They are one grade apart in school, they have a lot of the same friends and play well together. They are like twins! Just try to focus as much attention to your 9 month old as you can, once you have two it will be hectic for awhile, but I would do it the same way again.



answers from San Diego on

Hello, If you and your husband can afford another child (or even 10 of them), are emotionally ready to raise another one and are happy, then it is none of your family's business. If they have to raise or support these children then it is their business.
Congratulations and good luck with your precious family.
K. K.



answers from Dallas on

Don't worry, it will be great! I'm 18 mnths apart from my sisters and we grew up soooooo close! Still to this day, they are my rock and the first people I call for advice and support. I loved growing up with sisters so close.

Your family will come around, some people like to judge for no good reason but if you and your husband are the ones raising the children, then what do they care? ?

It's your life and no one else's. YOU will be the only one responsible for your kids so let them think or say what they want. If it bothers you too bad, try to avoid them and spend more time away from them so you don't hear any negative remarks.

Every child is a true blessing from God. I wasn't planning for my # 4 to come this early, we wanted to wait a few more years but God had different plans for us. Don't stress,that can and will cause a miscarriage. Relax and understand that everything's going to work out just fine!! And hey, at least you didn't sell or donate all of your baby stuff before this one came along! Hopefully all of that will come in handy, good luck and many blessings to you!



answers from Los Angeles on

You need to stop stressing and worrying about what other people think. Your husband is supportive - you're lucky! Count that as a blessing. And count this pregnancy a blessing also. Lots of women have problems conceiving. I want a 3rd child, and we're having a tough time making that happen. There are those of us who would gladly be in your position. With my 2nd child, I became pregnant when my 1st baby was only 11 months old. And it's been the best blessings we could have asked for. So, stop and breathe, and feel blessed.



answers from Fort Wayne on

Oh I am there! Well thankfully at the end of my pregnancy now but woh......that was exactly what happened! No more Birth control for me, IUD all the way!
So to answer your "what do I do?" you just do it! everyday is a new day, and you get through it, and love on your 9 mth old all you can with some one on one time.........because that will become limited soon after babes is born. It gets easier to accept the pregnancy and get excited as you get closer to baby arriving!
Good luck, we're about to welcome our third little man here soon.........and haven't had to unpack any clothes haha they were already in the drawer lol.


answers from Houston on

I was preggy with my first when I had only been married for 6 weeks, that was a shock! Then I thought I was pregs with #3 when #2 was 2 months old. I got some flack from a few close friends...but who cares! I just laughed it off and prepared myself for a positive test. In my case, no baby. But you are not irresponsible or something, things just happened a little faster than you might have intended. Just take a breath, enjoy your baby and go to the dr on your scheduled visits. You really don't have to think too much about what to do to prepare for your new baby until right at the end of pregnancy if you can't deal now. And honestly for the first two months or so all you need is milk, a bassinet, onsies, sleepers, diapers and a nasal syringe and you are good to go!! I did find that the second was sooooooo much easier than the first. I forgot how much the sleep and honestly you are so much more confident bc you have done it before. You will do great bc you are still totally in baby mode, you are pro babe! Congrats on your new little one and just know that you are going to do great!



answers from Detroit on

First off, take a deep breath. You aren't the only one this happened to. My son was born in November 2005 and my daughter was born April of 2007; they are 17 months apart. I was also on birth control (for me, it was the patch.) and my mom about had a fit when I told her. She got quite drunk actually, but she got over it and absolutely loves both my kids. Try to keep yourself calm and relaxed, your family will get over it, birth control pills are only 99.99% effective, and I know that 1% feels impossible to actually happen, but it happens more than you would think. Good luck and Mazel Tov on your new addition.



answers from Lima on

Just don't stress so much. Granted my daughters are 26 months apart and it's still chaotic. Your family should support you in any way and yes, your husband is right. Everything happens for a reason and God will never give you more than you can handle. I have a 6 week old baby and a 27 month old toddler. I think the 6 week old is 10 times better than the toddler, most days (because of the toddler tantrums). There are days you just want to get away and pull your hair out, but then you get the times that they are both quiet and very sweet.

It is challenging, yes, but all worth it in the end. You'll do fine. Just take a deep breath and relax!




answers from Kansas City on

My brother and I are 15 months apart and were the best of buddies when we were growing up! This is a good thing, congratulations!!



answers from Los Angeles on

How exciting! My first born was 9 months old when I found out I was expecting again. I didn't get much sleep that first year but I love that I had kids so close together in age. They are best friends and play together all day. Don't worry so much about what your family thinks. This is your life and God sent you this little soul to care about for a reason. Best wishes!



answers from Dallas on

Congratulations! I agree with several other mama's - relax and enjoy it. Ignore the haters. I have a 10 month old son (born August 09) and we are actively trying to get pregnant again. Good luck to you!!



answers from Jacksonville on

It's amazing how some family members react to the news of a pregnancy or lack thereof. As long as you aren't looking to the family for financial support, who cares what they think right now? Let them be negative, stay away from it for now and when they've come around: Forgive, forget and move on. Your pregnancy is a miracle (all are, IMO) and it's a blessing that's meant for you to enjoy. Enjoy it! Best of luck to you and yours!


answers from Detroit on

Kudos to your hubby for being so great! As for your family, they will surely get over it (at least I HOPE so) once the new little one is born. In the meantime, let them know that while you appreciate their concern, you really need them to be supportive or keep their comments to themselves.

On a different note, my boys are 5 YEARS apart, and I can honestly say, if I'd known then what I know now, I definately would have had them much closer together. My 5 yr old really wants someone to play with after having been an only for so long, but by the time the baby (who's 4 months) is old enough to be ABLE to play, the older one won't want to hang out with such a youngster. Your children will be so close in age that they will likely have a great amount of friendship with one another. That alone will be priceless.


answers from Savannah on

You should relax... : ) My boys are 19 months apart, and I just had my second baby last friday. So far its hard, frustrating, and incredible. I totally fell in love with my first son all over again seeing him become a big brother. Even at only 18 months old, he is so endearing and caring of "his baby".

Hang in there. I'm taking it one day at a time, and you will too!



answers from Las Vegas on

It happens a lot, although normally I think because women don't think they can get pregnant so soon, not actually on birth control like you. Don't worry about what your family says, at least it's better than 12 months apart, as I know some kids are. You don't need to explain anything to anyone, you're pregnant, that's all that matters. Your family will probably not even remember this once the baby is born.

Also, try not to stress because it sucks looking back at being pregnant and knowing you were stressed out. We were trying to conceive when I got pregnant, but my husband lost his jobs a few days before Christmas, and then a few days after that I found out I was pregnant. I was so worried about money and lack of insurance the whole first half of my pregnancy, it's sad thinking back on how I felt during that time.


answers from Sioux City on

Congratulations!! I have six and I know that God won't give you more than you can handle. Your little ones will be able to entertain each other. It will all work out.



answers from Chicago on

My daughter is 7 months old and I am 11 weeks pregnant right now. It was huge shock to us because my daughter was conceved through IVF. When we told my mom the only thing she could do was laugh. Don't sweat it! Just people some people are negative about it doesn't mean that it's not a blessing in disguise! Everything does happen for a reason and only God himself knows why. Try not to stress about it much. I know that it is easier said then done, but in the long run it will be best for you! Congratulations on your new edition! I think it will be fun to have children so close in age. Just remember to stay as stress free as possible! Congrats again!!



answers from San Antonio on

This didn't happen to me but a girlfriend...she took like 5 tests and even wanted to know if the blood test could be wrong. So, she is crying to her husband "what are we going to do?". His response was "we are going to have a baby!!" and he hugged and kissed her.

Her two girls are so close and play so well together...she is very blessed that they have each other to play with. It was crazy for a bit...but her husband was excited and soon she became excited and it all worked out.

Try to relax and know each baby is a blessing...after this one is born look into a different birth control if you don't want anymore for a while. But no crying over spilled milk!!




answers from St. Louis on

I gave birth in June of 2009 and when my son was 10 months old I found out we were expecting agian and we are so happy!!! You should be too, children are a blessing from GOD and all that matters is you, this baby, your husband, and your son. Don't pay attention to the negative comments of other people it's not worth it. Please don't stress, take care of yourself and your little bean!!... Good Luck



answers from Tampa on

CONGRATULATIONS!! What a blessing! Let me just tell you that I know EXACTLY how you feel. My husband and I planned to have 3 children 2 years apart. 2 months after our first was born, I found I was pregnant again. Our second baby is 9 days SHORT of being a year younger then my oldest. After having our second, we saw what a HUGE benefit it was to have the kids close in age. So we decided to have our third. Our first three children are12 months and 14 months apart. I am now expecting our 4th child.

That would be a grand total of 4 children in 5 years.

And I wouldn't change a thing! My kids are each others best friend and it is AWESOME to see them grow up together.

I won't lie and said it was easy, but nothing worth your time in life ever is.

You #1 priority right now is to have a healthy baby. Enjoy your time with your infant and know that everything will work out just the way it was meant to be. Good luck to you!


answers from Rochester on

I love having mine 21 months apart. :) Some people thought that was too close together and assumed ours were not intentional (they were). On the other hand, I was on birth control while I was nursing so no periods and I took pregnancy tests monthly in case something "went wrong." In that case, we would have had more children to love who were closer together.

Your family will get used to the new little one and hopefully treasure him or her. Thankfully your husband responded to the surprise as he did instead of being stressed and frustrated at first--he is going to be your most important supporter. Just love on your immediate family and wait the rest out. Anyone who is negative about a child on the way is NOT worth your time or energy at this point.


answers from Los Angeles on

i didnt read any other posts!!!!!!! SO MY ADVICE IS DONT BE STRESSIN GIRL,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be happy, yes u have a 9 mos old, but its not the end of the world!!! u'll be ok god gave u that fetus bkuz it might mean something in the future!!! i have a 6 mos old and no i dnt wanna have get pg again but if i did it wouldnt matter to me cuz i would rather give birth than abort it!!! JUST BE CALM PRIS, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE, HAVE FAITH IN GOD!!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

My kids are 16 months apart and it was great having them so close in age when they were growing up. It was almost like having twins in some ways -- they even potty trained at the same time. Now that they're adults, they're such good friends. There were some tough times along the way, but that's true no matter what the difference in the ages of the children are!

Good luck :)


answers from San Francisco on

Your family has got to understand that things happen for a reason, you have not control over such things and it wasn't done on purpose. I am so very happy that your husband is so supportive. I hate to say it but its not your family that is the one who is going to raise the little one. They will come around, don't worry. You are stressing yourself and thats' not good at all, for your overall health and for that little one. I think its just the shock with your family, but they have to understand it does happen. Obviously someone is looking over you or it would not have happened. You obviously make wonderful parents and alway remember that! Don't stress yourself out, remember your family will change their tune once that little bundle comes along, when they apologize accept with gratitude. Some believe that when this happens that it was done unpurpose. Just tell them obviously the pill didn't do its job. Do they honestly think that this was planned, tell them to think about how busy you yourself are going to be instead of putting you down. Both you and your husband sound like a true blue couple, keep it that way. Family can certainly cause a riff and it sure is not right. Both of you are happy, its been accepted and thats all you need to worry about right now. Think of how close the two little ones' will be together. I say Congratulations!!


answers from Albany on

My boys are 21 months apart and 17 and 15 now. I couldn't be more pleased with it! Congrats!



answers from Louisville on

Well it sounds as if you have a wonderful supportive and positive husband which will be great though out this situation. I understand how you feel. My first was born in march of 08 and I found out I was pregnant again in April of 09. While on the pill. Everyone was excited except me and my hubs b\c I am not an unplanned person an am very routined although I am a positive person I quickly realized that i told god my planned and he laughed at me and gave me his plan for me which by the way was another beautiful baby boy.

I worked though both pregnancies and with the second me and my hubs argue alot b/c i felt he wasn't as supportive this time around and he didn't understand how much life was gonna change as well as the fact that i wasn't sure if i was gonna stay at home or not. So here is my story hopefully it helps answer your question. my father in law lives with us and was helping to care for my first and him and a select few besides myself once it sank in that I was gonna have another one were the only once who really seem to understand and he was my support though out the whole thing he was also the one who help except the stressful situation and deal with it. And since I have been where you are at I quickly learned everyone is always super excited about the first but if you have a second in what is considered this days out of the norm which lets just say is under 3 years apart no one really cares and everyone has something to say.

I had my second A month early b\c of the stress i put myself though. Although he was born at 6pounds and 19in and healthy I have this to say listen to your husband it happens for a reasons and that reason is you are meant to be a mother so what if it is not want was planned. It's not gonna be easy and somedays your gonna be thankful for bed time but relax and enjoy this god given gift as long as you and your hubs is alright with this you will do just fine. i H. this was helpful.



answers from Columbus on

My son was 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. I called my husband calling hysterically and all he said was, "well, then there were 4". Meaning the size of our family. It instantly made me stop crying b/c I had the support of my husband and that is all that mattered!!

It was a tough 1st year but kids are now 3 and 4 and we have another one on the way. My kids play with eachother and do everything together. I am a bit worried with my 3rd coming along b/c 3 years apart from the youngest now seems like eternity, haha, compared to the first 2 kids we have.

Things do happen for a reason. Love your family and new baby! and Congratulations!!



answers from Denver on

I got prego after 4 months of marraige, then when #1 was 5 months old I got prego again!
Mind you I was told I couldn't have kids :)
We were totally stressed because 1 kid let alone 2 kids was not in our plans. We were thrilled of course, but just wasn't in our sights at the time.
With the first baby everyone cried because they were worried about me and just weren't there for me at all. I think they were scared to believe I could have a kid.
With the second they were so in shock it was happening again so soon again they just pulled back. Some of them even thought we were out of our mind. Not supportive at all!
I would say forget anyone that isn't thrilled for you and just be happy with the blessings you are being given!
My girls are about 16 months apart and it is GREAT! Yes it is hard and lots of work, but also so rewarding! They are so close and love eachother to death!!! Trust me it is going to be great, SO just relax and enjoy this time!!!! Soak up baby #1 while you can. :)



answers from Hartford on

they are not being helpful? I dont understand, how nice that you will have another baby, you would think they would be happy. try hard not to worry about them and just focus on your family. yeah you will be so busy w/ them so close, but that just means that they might be great friends and after the first year when they development gap closes they will be a lot easier bc they will be so close, so it might just be great! good luck and enjoy your two babies, if your family comes around great and if not you need to worry about yourself and it is their loss!!!



answers from Los Angeles on

Enjoy the fact that your little ones will be so close in age. My family calls your situation "Irish Twins". Look for the silver lining: they'll be in diapers together, you can potty train them together, clothes will stay in style, you already have the maternity clothes.

Families can be a pain in the behind, listen to your hubby. There's a reason for your blessing!



answers from Appleton on

My mother and sister (twice!) both got pregnant on "the pill" while taking it regularly at the same time every day. I wish they would have shared this with me earlier in life. I am now the proud Mama of a one year old! LOL! We were planning a summer wedding when I found out we were going to have a summer baby instead! No one could have been more shocked! Luckily, I also had a supportive partner and my family was also supportive (once I had the guts to tell them!). Looking back, I can't imagine NOT having my daughter. I think there is a "master plan" in life for all of us- and your family needs to take a backseat here and let you live your life. A baby is a blessing- I have learned. Tell them if they can't be positive about it then they shouldn't open their mouths at all!!!!

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