Did you have sex after your D&C??? I assume so. Yes you can get pregnant.
I had a situation almost exactly like yours.
Mine was, at 6 weeks pregnant, I miscarried. The sonogram said the baby was only 5 weeks gestation. And then there was no heartbeat and the egg sac was empty. I had a D&C.
My Doctor said... to wait 3 months, before getting pregnant/being pregnant again. For the body/uterus to heal and to resume regular cycles etc..
After the D&C of course, NO sex was advised... because if you are still bleeding and healing you can get an infection etc. and the body simply is not healed yet.
Ultimately, you need to ask your Doctor.
Did you have a follow-up after the D&C? I did... but that is my Doctor's normal routine. He always has a follow-up appointment that you go to.
all the best,