Well, my daughter was about 2 1/2yrs when we actually potty trained her, we tried a little earlier but she seemed to get bored with it and eventually she would refuse completely. She did the same thing your's is doing now the first time. What I ended up doing is letting her take some time off and we decided to go about it another way. I got a book that suggested a "potty party" which is what we did. In the morning she wore diapers but we potty trained a doll that i had gotten her. The doll had accidents and then she would sit on the potty to help her remember to use the potty and when the doll stayed dry she got rewards of stickers or small treats(of course my daughter got the treats). after my daughter's nap the doll was still dry so she got a small present as a reward. Then I had Tabitha put her big girl panties on. The afternoon was the same as it was for the doll. If she had an accident she had to sit for a minute or two to help her remember, if she stayed dry she got a small treat and if she told me she needed to use the bathroom on her own and actually did she got a bigger treat. At the end of the day we had a small party to celebrate her victory. This worked out pretty good. . .lasted for a week. Then she began refusing to use the potty chair again. i figured she wasn't ready so i let her go back to diapers, 10-15 accidents a day was too much! Then out of the blue she started using the potty again on her own. I still ask her if I notice that she seems like she needs to go but I stopped bugging her all the time about it. I think she needed to decide to do it for herself and she didn't like me forcing it on her. I don't know if the "potty party" helped, maybe a little, but I think mostly she just liked being in control of when she would stop using diapers. So, it helped when I wasn't being as aggressive about it (asking her every hour) and I think it really helped that I let her go back to diapers (although I thought it was going to be a major set back) so she could choose when to stop using them again.