I agree with what the other mother's have said about not pushing your son. If he's interested, great. My daughter was extremely interested in going potty around 18 months so I bought the little potty, pull-ups, panties, the works. She'd go sometimes; most of the time she just liked sitting on the potty and wearing the panties over her diaper. After a month, she was not interested at all in the potty. At age 2, she wasn't really interested, but I was trying really hard to potty train her and was very frustrated. I read a potty-training book by Dr. Brazelton, who is the pediatric expert on potty training and potty issues. I learned to take my cues from her and not to push her because, according to Dr. Brazelton, pushing before the kid is really ready often leads to bed wetting and other potty issues (like holding it in). So my advise is make the tools available to him. Follow up on it when he's interested. But if he's not interested, let him be and wait until he is interested again. He'll get it. If he gets it early, great for you. And if he waits a while, great for you too (ignore those who say he should be potty trained by a certain age or you're not doing your job). Good luck with him; I'm sure you're doing a great job.