It seems like you feel the issue isn't accidents or anything potty-related, but that he is using the situation to delay going to bed, and I think I agree with you. Just the fact that he's running through a laundry list of things he needs or wants is enough to make me think that. My son's tried it too. The reality is, for these things to stop, you will have to endure some hysterics, but eventually, he will understand that the behavior is unacceptable and that the hysterics are not going to control everyone. Bedtime is the hardest time to deal with I think. Everyone is tired. If he were in a toddler bed or even just a regular bed, you could have the potty set up in his room, and when he has to go he could get out of bed on his own, and go, and get back in bed. And, if in a big boy bed, you could just put a waterproof mattress cover on it. If he has an accident, just change the sheets, no problem. It sounds like the bigger issue is bedtime routine and boundaries. You may or may not like Supernanny, but in essence, she suggests that once a child is in bed for the night, and has had the snack, the drink, the potty, the blanket, etc., then you should not go back into the room for a bunch of requests. If he would need something legit and you have to go back in, don't talk with him, so its not rewarding. Just go in, give him whatever and leave again. You might also consider using a pull-up at night for awhile, even though he's staying dry. Then, you won't feel stressed if indeed he pees a little. You don't have to call it a diaper...I just call it "another type of underwear" and my son seems cool with it. Sometimes he gets so hung up on wording of something, that if I just word it a little differently, he gets over it. Good luck!