E., that's *wonderful* - definitely she is not too early. And a big congratulations to you for *listening* to what your daughter is trying to tell you. She's a great communicator, and you are a fabulous listener! To put your mind at ease, kids far younger than your daughter use the potty. In fact, babies all over the world are pottied from birth, from 4 months on, at all different ages, and with no ill effects. Here in the USA, over the last 50 years, the potty training age has jumped from an average of 18 months old to 3 yrs old (thank you, disposable diapers and some non-scientific information being passed around about "age of readiness" by diaper companies and pediatricians!).
So, I say go for it! Provided that your approach is one of letting potty training be a process in which you are working together as a team, are patient, loving, non pressuring, and have realistic expectations of this taking more than just a week or two (much like learning to crawl, walk, & run is a process), you and your daughter can and should have a lot of fun with potty training. Accept, and even embrace, accidents as a really useful learning tool. Consider giving her nakey-bum time at home to really allow her to connect the sensation of having to go with the result. And ditch those disposible diapers and pull ups ASAP - your best bet is a simple cotton training pant or underwear, not waterproofed. All that high absorbency/dryness stuff just lengthens the learning process (and costs lots of $$!).
Some links that you might find helpful:
Perspective on "Age of Readiness"
How To Tell Your Child Might Have To Pee/Poop (so that you can recognize it first, then help them learn it and reconize it and get to the potty in time)
Later Potty Training Harder on Parent & Child
Again, congratulations on having such a self-aware toddler AND for recognizing and encouraging her awareness despite our culture's idea that 2 yrs old is "too young" to potty train. I promise you, it's not, and you'll both be happier for it!
Happy pottying... :)