Potty Training - Pueblo,CO

Updated on July 11, 2008
J.W. asks from Pueblo, CO
5 answers

My 2-year-old is potty training, and we need some help. When we are at home, she goes naked and knows when she has to potty or poop (and goes on her potty chair). The prob is when she puts on underpants or a Pull Up. I require them outside, and she likes to wear the underpants, but she doesn't understand that she still needs to go in the potty chair. Verbal explanations go in one ear and out the other. Any suggestions?

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answers from Casper on

I am currently working with my 3 1/2 yr old on this issue and am starting to win the battles. I think the thing that helped me was the last time she pooped her pants I put her into the shower and made her clean it up. First of all she doesn't like showers, and then I made it a cold shower...not luke warm, but COLD. Then I made her clean herself up. She didn't like it and since then I haven't had her pooping in her pants, and for that matter wetting either. I know it sounds cruel, but it worked for us. But you could try leaving her in the wet cloths for a period of time too.
Good luck
J.--SAHM of 6

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answers from Denver on

Just keep explaining to her, and ask her occasionally if she needs to go. It can be a process, but things will fall into place for her eventually. You are doing the right thing! It wiil probably take the longest to get her to do this away from home, especially when she might be in the care of others. Just be patient, it will come! Good luck!

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answers from Denver on

If she wears the underwear and pees or poops in them she has to "clean" her mess. I know this may sound not so fun to her and she may start staying dry at home and away. You have to start sometime keeping underwear on her totally. GOod luck, I'm trying to potty train my 2 year old also and having difficulties. My fault not hers.

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answers from Denver on

Keep doing what you are doing...and just keep an extra change of clothes with you if you are away from the house! She will get it.

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answers from Lubbock on

Fist off she's still pretty young by today's standards so you both are doing an awesome job.

Second off I wouldn't make it stressful for her or that will only make matters worse!

Stop with the pull ups. She may potty her pants when you are out of the house but she will quickly learn if she can feel it running down her leg. My son potty learned at 19 months but wouldn't poop on the potty. Instead he would wait until he got his trainer on to go to bed (we cloth diaper) and then poop. So problem solved he slept naked. We stayed home for about a week with him being naked the entire time (eating etc) and I'm happy to say at 3.5 he's never ONCE had an accident.

Pull-ups are an evil invention. They are just like diapers. Take her to the store and let her pick out pretty undies. When you put them on her tell her that they need to stay dry (if they are my little pony tell her she's can't get the ponies wet) or the undies will go in the trash. And follow through. If she potties in them seriously throw them away!

Also, she might be afraid of those big huge potties when you are out in public. What I did was sit on the back of the potty, spread my legs and let DS sit between me. That way the potty is not so big and I'm there to comfort him. Worked like a charm I promise!!

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