D., i say go for it! My little guy was showing signs of readiness around 18 months, so at his 18 month checkup I asked his pediatrician if I should set out a potty and she said "It would put too much pressure on him." (She's very laid back.) I listened to her and didn't, by 21 months he lost interest.
Fast forward to 24 months. We go to the store, he picks out his potty, we take it home and go bare bottom, he sits on it and does OK at peeing several times a day for almost a week, poops a couple of times, then no-go at all. So we take a couple of weeks off and start again, and he pees good, but no poops. One morning about 10 or so days into it we wake up, I say, "Let's sit on the potty!" and he says, No!" and means it. I read at this point (in several places) that there's a window of opportunity around 22-25 months (for boys, earlier for girls) and that if you miss it they are more set in their ways and it's more difficult to train.
In this day and age most people say "Just wait..." and I am sorry I did, I missed that window of opportunity that was wide open, and now am trying to get him used to the idea again so we can go for it again. He's going to be 2.5 in a few weeks.
So, try, and if he doesn't take to it you can always wait a few months and try again, but at least you'll know!! ; )