I've had something similar but not all at once. My jaw after my first baby (TMJ), then osteitis pubis (inflammation of the pubic symphasis bone) after my 2nd, deQuervain's tendinitis in the wrist after my 3rd, and the achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and intermittent hip and shoulder pain after my 4th. All were specifically treated as non-pregnancy related - so full TMJ treatment (which took years and was finally resolved with an in-office surgery), a cortisone shot for the wrist, a course of anti-inflammatory medicine (basically 2400 mg of ibuprofen a day, which is what you're on now) for the OP and I'm still dealing with the aftermath of the last pregnancy.
Is there a time limit for the course of advil? I think I was instructed to take it for 30 days and then I was evaluated again and x-ray showed that the inflammation had gone away so I was effectively "cured." If you've been told something like that, then keep at it - as long as the pain is being managed - until the specified course of treatment has been completed. I didn't think it would help but it solved my OP. If that doesn't work, or you're in a lot of pain, get an appointment with a rheumatologist who has seen this before ASAP. This could be the beginning of fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis, especially if there is a history of either in your family. You may also want to look into acupuncture or holistic/alternative medicine, which I have found is much better with treating systemic symptoms than traditional medicine is. Some supplements that help with inflammation include fish oil, glucosamine, condroitin and MSM (the last three are often bundled together).
I sincerely hope this is something that just passes and that you get relief from your pain soon.