peeing after birth? common, its called Postnatal urinary incontinence. Exercise and time will help some. If your like me, it is permanent. After my 3rd child and botched Epi, I will have this issue all my life. I can get surgery, and I probably will, but not till I decide to get my tubes tied I will do all of it at once. I wear light pads. Its not that bad. I usual can get away with a panty liner every hour or so. Have it checked, voice concern to OB next time. Not much they can do about it, other than suggest exercises, and keep an eye on it.
Coldness? common, I am also having this issue, like my internal furnace was messed with and the thermostat at low. before all three kids, I was an overweight, sweaty, hot mess even in the winter time. I couldn't stand anything over 75 with out getting irritable and sweaty. After 3rd child. I am cold, cold, cold. Not circulatory, since all my body parts are still warm and pink, just internally cold. I can feel heat. I just dont get hot. I dont sweat. I am enjoying the 100 degree crazy hot this year, with no issues. My husband, who is always cold, is now the one to turn on the air, and I am the one dressing in layers. I even LOST weight and it hasnt fixed any of these issues. Hormones messed with the area in the brain, that controls the regulation of body heat. The body will get rid of it. Since your breast feeding I imagine your body is more focused on getting the milk made, rather than fix the internal heat issue. Its putting the energy there. Once your period returns, it always reeks havoc, on a milk cycle. I had similar problems with making milk. One day I was a cow, one day I was the Sahara. Learned when I was a cow, to pump like a mad woman, and save it for the days I dried up. Peeing constantly is the problem with the urine leakage. Your muscles are stretched. They can not handle any pressure from your bladder. Then you feel the need to pee constantly. Not much on tips to help but I know the pain.