Okay first of all its post partum depression, I believe. This women needs to see her dr ASAP. When you approach her, you need to assure her that what she is experiencing is normal, and will pass, but she needs to see someone and most likely take some medicine to help her through it. As far as Andrea Yates goes, people should really get their info straight before posting, Andrea Yates suffered from Post partum Psycosis, but she was also a Scizafrenic, sorry I cannot spell, lol. That women was severly mentally ill prior to having children, She should have never been allowed to. Your friend sounds like she is having the normal Post partum Depression, where you feel disconnected from your baby, you are afraid of them, You are afraid to be alone, and just feel constant panic, which trust me when I tell you, I could not eat sleep or function. However the one thing that drove me crazy was when my dr asked me if I wanted to harm my baby???? I was not INSANE I was depressed. Make sure you are very sympathetic, she needs to feel like people are supporting her and not judging her. The worst feeling to me was I felt like such a failure as a mom, Why was I feeling this way, how could a mother not want to hold her new baby? It was awful, however it only lasted a few weeks. though it felt like forever. I went on Paxil and when it kicked in I was a new women, I was right back to myself, The only thing was I never wanted to put my baby down, so she got quite spoiled, lol, and she still sleeps with me and she is 8. Please Please help your friend, read her my story, tell her how brooke shields suffered as well, she can get her book. Good luck, and I pray she is boding with her baby soon!!!