we don't do pull ups for one. just underware..but my son takes them off when he has to go,sort of like a warning sign i guess.. so you'll see him running around naked.. wondering where he went! lol.. no he pees in the toilet and the shower.. (who knows why!) I guess it is kind of like a urinal.
He had pooped once really big on the toilet and was so proud.. but still hates sitting there to poop.. no idea why! He went a tiny bit in the other day and then got off and pooped on the floor!
He tells me that poop goes in the potty but still has a very hard time. yesterday he had a little dairy which gives him the runs. (I usually don't let him have it, but it was pizza and he loves it) so I put a diaper on him, he took that off too! but hasn't gone yet in the potty!
when we first started he would hold his poop for days. So, I guess we're getting there right?
My only advice is to throw pull ups on the garbage. they only allow the problem to happen. As gross as it is. I wash his underpants, and my son sees and feels how gross it is.
he keeps telling me that poop goes in the potty. I think it is only a matter of time.
we tried bribes.. he refuses.. he's stubborn. it has to be on his terms. so I guess I'm the poop patrol!!
OH how I wish for more girls.. so much easier to train!!!
good luck!