My son was premature & he has lung damage from being on a ventilator. Because of that any respiratory illness is HUGE for him - there are several things that we've done which have helped tremendously in helping hiim stay as healthy as possible:
---LIMIT EXPOSURE!!! This is probably the biggest one. It's HARD. VERY HARD.... But I've learned to not only think about WHO is coming around my child but also where does that person spend their time, who else are they exposed to, what is the likelihood they've been in contact with someone who has a cold (etc.) but doesn't have symptoms yet?
-The only kids that are regularly around my son are his brothers & I make sure that their fingernails are trimmed, clean & hands washed or sanitized.
-We don't put him in ANY type of child care setting (even a church nursery).
-We don't take him shopping with us very often. We try to only take him if there are two adults going - so that one can always be attentive to others who may want to touch him.
- We don't sit in the waiting room at the doctor's office (sick people are at the doctor's office). Request a separate area to wait. If they don't have one, wait in the car & ask them to call your cell phone or send someone for you.
-We don't take him to visit homes we haven't been in before. In addition to general cleanliness, there are also issues like fragrances & cleaning products that can irritate & even damage respiratory tissue; pets (our little guy is sensitive to cats).
-We don't take him anywhere there is a crowd, particularly if it is "close quarters". Having baby in your lap at church, a concert etc. may not feel risky - but it's a space where they put in as many people as possible - you have no idea where anybody's been or what they've been exposed to.
-We rarely take him to restaurants - when we do take him, I carry an arsenal of sanitizing wipes & I wipe down ANY & EVERY surface he can possibly touch - with his hands or any other part of him!
Yes, people have been confused or even put off by my telling them I can't bring my son to their house because they have kids that are in school or day-care.
Yes, people have decided to NOT visit our home because I told them that they'd need to wear a light jacket over their clothing because they smoked.
Yes, strangers have rolled their eyes at me when I put my arm up to block them when they reached out to touch my son. Even after I explain that he has lung disease and the "common cold" could be fatal to him.
Yes, I've been told I'm OVER protecting him.
Yes, I have friends & family who have over-reacted & decided that they can't come visit until he's older because they'd "feel terrible if they gave him the cold that killed him"
Yes, I have spent alot of money on hand sanitizer & soap & paper towels.
YES - Some people, regardless of how intelligent, how long you've known them, how great they are - they simply will NOT ever "get" why you're being so protective. (I had someone ask me if we'd have to put him in therapy to "socialize" him - like he's a dog... NO! It's not that he is CONFINED to home, we are just very particular, careful & attentive to where he goes, who & when he's around people - right now is cold-flu season - we go out less!)
Overall - I don't care what anybody says or thinks about the steps we take to try to protect our son from catching a respiratory illness. Not ONLY because it has the potential to be fatal -
it's because I can't justify risking him catching a "little" cold that could wind up causing more damage to his lungs & the general discomfort.
IMPORTANTLY - This is NOT a permanent situation for him. It's something we have to deal with until his body & immune system is big enough to more effectively fight off "common" illnesses.
I realize that our issues are focused mostly on respiratory issues, but it also has helped him avoid other non-respiratory issues.
Diaper Rash - we haven't had diaper rash problems, however, he does have extensive eczema that is just horrid. I use ONLY fragrance & dye free dish soaps (even clear ones list dye as an ingredient! You have to read labels!) I switched to fragrance & dye free laundry products for EVERYTHING in the house. We don't wear perfume or cologne (these can irritate skin as well - even indirectly).
Pretty much ANYTHING that has an odor/fragrance/scent we either try to keep in an area away from him or introduce it slowly to gauge his reaction to it. Strangely, I discovered that he got red, watery eyes from a dye & scent free aerosol product - I have no idea why...
ANYTHING he eats or drinks I very carefully look at ingredients. I buy organic as often as possible. If a baby food says "Mixed Vegetables" - I don't buy it unless the ONLY ingredients listed are vegetables. ANYTHING else to me is potentially irritating & why bother?
I know this is exhausting. We've been very lucky after a lengthy NICU stay that he's been relatively healthy - but that's in large part to spending a lot of energy to avoid potential harm.
I'm also a HUGE advocate for pursuing naturopathic, homeopathic, & wholisitic avenues for nutrition & treatment. I've been surprised to learn that when a doctor recommends something if I simply ASK "Is there a non-medication/ natural /or even different way to treat or approach this issue?" many times they are happy to provide you with information or contacts. So many people insist on a "fix it right this second" solution & western doctors are trained to provide that answer first.
if you can stand ONE more thing - KEEP RECORDS ON EVERY SINGLE THING that happens, that you try, that you don't try, person you talk to (include dates, names, extension numbers). I have a binder for my kiddo that I keep all this information in - it's impossible to remember everything for a child (or adult) with medical issues - having it assembled & handy is less pressure on you to remember, less time for doctors to have to wait for you to remember & it impresses upon whoever you interact with that you both care about your child's history AND future & they realize that you'll have a record of what they recommended, tried, etc. & they'll be more attentive in their treatment of you (not that it's the BEST way to operate, but I've noticed a difference in how med. professionals approach me & my son when I have my binder & when I don't!)
I pray that you find some solutions & healing for your precious girl soon! I haven't been through the same situation but I've had a very sick baby & it's NOT easy!