I was told that nursing was 92% effective to use as birth control for the first 6 mos as long as you are exclusively breastfeeding, not pumping or supplementing. My baby didnt even know how to take a bottle, so he was definitly exclusively breastfed... Imagine my surprise when my period returned when he was just 4 mos old! It then skipped a month, and I got it when he was 6 mos old. I was baffled by the 2 month cycle and didn't think to check again until my baby was 8 mos...SURPRISE!! I was 10 1/2 weeks pregnant and didnt even know!! It was a relief though because I was wondering why my milk supply was just drying up completely and why I was more tired ect. The nice thing about being pregnant and breastfeeding is that I had NO morning sickness whatsoever! Thats probably not going to be the same for everyone, but this pregnancy has been SO EASY so far for me, like a cake-walk compared to my first pregnancy, and that one wasnt even bad at all either. I'm now due in Dec with my second little boy. They will be 15-16 mos appart and although its a bit earlier than we were planning to have our second baby, I'm sure my first is going to LOVE having a little brother so close to him in age! They should be best buds!
Well, good luck to you... My advice is give it a few days or a week and take another test - no reason to drive yourself crazy long before your period has even gotten here, if it even is ready to come back :-)