I started giving my kids peanut butter around 1 year old. We do not have any family history of peanut allergy. If you're unsure, I would talk to your pediatrician, just be on the safe side.
Just wondering if it's really so bad to give my 16 month old peanut butter. He must be so bored with just jelly sandwiches! We often run out of bread before I make it to the store, but we always seem to have those Smuckers Uncrustables. I've been so tempted to just give him one, but all of the info I've been reading on the internet is mixed. Some say it's ok at 14 months and others say wait until 3 years old. I don't believe there will be any allergy issues with it and, of couse, I'd make sure it was a thin layer to avoid choking. Any thoughts on this issue? Thanks in advance for the help ladies.
God Bless!
I started giving my kids peanut butter around 1 year old. We do not have any family history of peanut allergy. If you're unsure, I would talk to your pediatrician, just be on the safe side.
I was also giving all my children peanut butter at one year old. As long as it is a thin layer and cut into tiny squares everything should be fine. This was their favorite lunch!!
My son just turned 15 months and he has been eating PB&J's for a few months now.
I don't think unless there is an allergy problem that its an issue.
For what it is worth, I have read that things we are denied are what cause some allergies. My children have eaten pb&j's from the time they began on solids. You will never find out about allergies until they happen. I did not find out about my daughter's allergy to penicillin until we were sitting in an ER. She's fine and now we know. If you are still worried about peanut butter, there are so many alternatives. Cashew butter, almond butter, sunflower butter, etc. Most grocery stores carry them on the organic aisle, but I have even seen them at booth's corner farmer's market. Good luck.
Hi J.
I started giving both of my kids peanut butter at 1 year. We have no family history of peanut allergy and our pediatrician did not have a problem with it. They both LOVE PB&J. For my little one, I just make sure to use a very thin layer of peanut butter so it isn't too sticky for her to swallow.
If you are uncertain ask your pediatrician and see what they say.
I would wait until almost 3. I have a beautiful 4 1/2 daughter who has a severe peanut allergy because I introduced it about 15 months. I didn't expect to have any allergies either because they don't run in our families and my husband and I didn't have any. She had such a serious rash reaction within 15 minutes I had to rush her to the hospital and now our lives are consumed with labeling reading and epi-pens! Hannah had eczema as a baby and her allergist said that often eczema babies are more pron to develope food allergies for whatever reason and that is usually a good sign to wait before introducing certain foods. I was a new mom and didn't know. I don't know why there are so many food allergies for our kids today. I'm only 35 and our parents didn't have these kind of issues. I'm not sure what has changed in our generations, maybe too much preservatives in our foods or what, but all I know is if I could do it all over again I would wait! They say often after 3 a child's immune system is much better developed and introducing the foods then usually doesn't react.
Good luck!