There are alot of options if you have a computer.
Work at home businesses:
1. www.workathomeagent.com
-I did this one before my son was born. There is no financial cost. Your training is all on line. If you can withstand the learning curve to get the better calls and times, then this can turn into substantial income
-for example, when I was with them HomeDepot was looking for people to work 20 hour per week from home. Worth looking into.
2. Live Ops
-another at home company,
-I know a few folks who work with this company. Again, if you can make it throught the learning curve there are real calls/times that provide great incomes
3. There is a magazine www.simplyhomemagazine.com
-The magazine details several at home companies
-advice, to find one you are passionate about and go for it
I hope this helps.