Not a mom... Cousin.
My C is 33 now, chronologically, but never made it past the age/ability of a 2yo. For many years my aunt and uncle tried to do 24/7 care, then divorce (which gave each of them some time off), but by 9/10 he spent summers at a LFA facility, then 50/50 at a facility, and now it's mostly full time. Their biggest wish is that they'd gone halftime when he was younger ... Or that respite care had been available.
It sounds like your daughter is more advanced than my C. There has never been any question about reading, although they were hopeful about potty training for about 15 years, that was never able to come to be. He only interacts with pacman, orange foods, and 1 Disney show. Although he does hug (dangerous), and can be led around... He's in an entirely different world.
Sometimes I think God IS watching us all the time. That kids like my C know EVERYTHING all the time... Keeping an eye on the world... And that's why they're not really present / it's sooooooo hard for them to connect with what's right in front of them. HFA, might just have a piece of the world, but LFA has the whole durn thing.
I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help. My exaunt and uncle don't really do the support thing. With LFA, there's so precious little TIME. If you haven't already... The regional children's hospital may have an LFA route for you. That's the only other place, outside my fam, that I've met a lot of LFA famines (because of accompanying health problems... Often nutritional (ngtubes, etc), although there are many other common problems (broken bones, soft tissue injuries, eating objects, breathibg problems, etc.)