I had intercourse with no problems for years, then out of no where it was painfull all the time. I also went to 3 or 4 different obgyns and specialists. everybody said i was fine so i just told myself it must be in my mind. When i got pregnant( about 3 years after painful sex started) i had alot of pain in my back and my midwife sent me to physical therapy. During physical therapy she discovered one of my legs was a tiny bit longer than the other. She asked me if sex was painfull for me. I answered yes, extremly painful, once my husband got past a certain point it was almost like a popping feeling that was very painful. She said I needed to see the internal physical T. before I had my baby or I was going to be in a lot of pain. I was in tears just to hear somebody say there was a reason and it wasnt all in my mind. I saw the internal P.T. which was very painfull & embarasing, but very very worth it. Child birth went by smoothly and sex has been fine ever since.
What was wrong with me was that I had a lot of scar tissue built up in the vaginal canale. She said she sees it alot in women who have been sexualy abused or raped. In my case it was from years of snowmobiling.
Best of luck to you, it's a horrible thing for you and your husband to have to go through. After a while it really take a toll on your relationship. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.