Well, you definitely shouldn't have to be holding him all day, so if that's what's happening when he's not in them, then don't give in to him. Distract him with toys or something. He's probably just plain too old for these toys you are talking about. Both of my kids were walking at 10 months, and I don't think I used the saucer or jumping johnny much past 6 or 7 months. You have to allow them to use that energy to learn how to get around independently. If the only time he's really having a good time is when he's in those two toys, then you need to teach him other ways to have fun. Get him some toys he can walk behind while holding onto. Just put the jumper and saucer away. My son LOVED to stand and jump too, LOVED IT!! But, he found ways to keep himself busy without needing those other things. Yours will too if you just let him. Teach him how to pull himself up to the couch. Kneel beside him and move yourself up and down, see if he'll mimic you. You can make a game of it. Move your head to one side, then the other, stuff like that to interact with him and teach him other ways to have fun. Put him on the floor and put a toy about 10 feet from you both on the floor, say "one two three GO" and crawl beside him to it like you're racing him. Kids LOVE that stuff. Get out some books, there are SO many ways for him to be spending his time at that age that are so much more beneficial to him than being stuck in a jumping johnny or saucer. Remember, he's just a few short months away from being a toddler, so start making his toys appropriate for that stage. He will blossom like you wouldn't believe!!