I had a nice answer all written up, then my phone company worked on the phone line and turned off the phones! So my e-mail got lost.
In a nutshell, what I wrote is, have you had your daughter tested to discover what it is she is really allergic to? I had myself tested, only to discover that I don't have any seasonal or indoor allergies; my lifetime coughing (sinunitis, rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, ear problems, pflegm, etc.) was caused by my allergy to the casein protein in cow dairy milk. Who would have thought? Since I quit eating/drinking anything made with cow milk, my coughing (very severe in the winter) and all the other symptoms have gone away. In fact, I threw away my Advair meds in March 2010 and haven't had an issue since.
I did, however, also get myself further tested for food allergies/intolerances (I found out that I have a lot) and discovered that I AM ABLE to eat goat and sheep, along with the milk alternatives like rice, almond, hazelnut, coconut, hemp, etc. (I can't have soy). If you have a severe allergic response to cow dairy, you might want to get checked by a naturopathic doctor to make sure your body is able to tolerate the proteins in goat and sheep; some people can't.
People would be amazed at how many illnesses or symptoms are simply the result of being allergic or intolerant to a particular food, dye, preservative, chemical, food coloring, sweetener, etc. By avoiding what you're allergic/intolerant to, you can do a lot to decrease your dependence on pharma and over-the-counter drugs and their side effects.
There is a natural antihistimine you can buy through a Naturopath doctor that will relieve the allergy symptoms without the side effects. I take it (I suffer from cold hives) as do my husband (he has seasonal allergies) and my daughter (she has grass pollen allergy and is very allergic to mosquitoes). It's the best thing I've ever found and the tablets have a lemon-lime flavor.